Last 15th & 16th March, 2022, Marine Technology Centre (CTN) and ACCOBAMS, organised a specific 2-day workshop with the members of the Joint CMS/ACCOBAMS/ASCOBANS Noise Working Group. MSFD representatives with high expertise on biodiversity and all QUIETSEAS partners also participated in these sessions. The workshop was held in Monaco, but there were also online participants due to the pandemic situation.

This workshop contributed to address noise (D11) considerations as regards its potential impacts on biodiversity (D1) at regional level.

During these 2 days several issues were addressed as follow:

March 15th

  • Underwater noise issue in the MSFD and in the EcAp process (ACCOBAMS, TG Noise and JNWG).
  • Continuous noise assessment framework (TG Noise โ€“ Peter Sigray).
  • Acoustic propagation modelling approaches for continuous sound assessment in Mediterranean Sea and Black Sea (HCMR).
  • QUIETSEAS pilot case study (SHOM/MHD). Presentation of the modelling effort status within the pilot area in the Western Mediterranean Sea and Black Sea.
  • Progress status for development of D11 data and information management tools to facilitate harmonization and data sharingย (ACCOBAMS & CTN).
  • Review of risk-based approaches and frameworks for D11C2ย (ACCOBAMS).

March 16th

  • Tools functionalities presentation (ACCOBAMS & CTN).
  • A systematic review on the behavioral responses of wild marine mammals to noise (Alejandro Buren).
  • Proposal of indicators for the practical implementation of a risk-based methodology and establishment of thresholds for D11C2 in agreement with TG Noise work: Preliminary considerations on thresholds (POLIMI).
  • Risk assessment in the QUIETSEAS pilot study areas – Preliminary considerations (POLIMI).
  • Case study on effectiveness of coordinated mitigation measures (SHOM). Implementing multi-scenario of vessel speed slowdown and evaluate the impact on D11C2 indicators.